До випуску цього номера долучилися наші першокурсники. З почином! ForU says thank you to Karina Yakovleva, Maryna Oliynyk, Nastia Avramenko, Alina Kusch, Sergiy Todorash for cooperation (натисніть на смайлик/click on the smile) In this issue: What makes a good teacher р.1 Quotes about teachers р.2 A good teacher or actor? р.2 Intellect-2009 р.3 Impressions of the winners р.4 The best profession р.4 News p.4 Pay attention to: The best profession under the sun by Karina Yakovleva (at page 4) Vivat intellectuals! Intellect-2009 participants and winners: 1. Avramenko A. 2. Kharytonov M. 3. Kusch A. 4. Desiateryk Yana. 5. Kryvenchuk A. 6. Davydova O., Andrusenko K. 7. Kuskov O., Todorash S. 8. Myhailova I. 9. Kulachek T. 10. Hasynets H. 11. Babanina A., Trischuk O. 12. Alhimova I. 13. Fedorenko A. |