NEW!!! Чекаль Г.С, Палій О.А., Потапенко С.І., Андрійко І.Ф. Методика навчання іноземних мов у загальноосвітніх закладах
Nursery Rhymes for Children
English Songs for Children
Let's take a break
We like to learn and we like to play
Goin' to school - ooh, ooh, goin' to school
Is really cool - ooh, ooh, school is cool
Lots of other kids are here with me
We're like a great big family- Ooh, school is cool.
How the math is fun to try
I can't divide and multiply
Going to school ooh, ooh going to school
Is really cool
ooh ooh School is cool
I'm getting smarter every year
Because I pay attention here
Oh, School is cool
Sometimes we might disagree
But we can get along, anyway
We work out our problems patiently
And we're better at teamwork every single day
Reach out the books and do reports
Art, science, field trips, playing sports
Going to school ooh, ooh going to school
Is really cool
Ooh, ooh School is cool
I can learn and more and more
In second grade I'll know the score
The school is cool.
Sometimes we might disagree
But we can get along, anyway
We work out our problems patiently
And we're better at teamwork every single day
We go to school several hours a day
We like to learn and we like to play
Goin' to school - ooh, ooh, goin' to school
Is really cool - ooh, ooh, school is cool
Lots of other kids are there with me
We're like a great big family
I'm getting smarter every year
Because I pay attention here
I can learn and more and more
In second grade I'll know the score
The school is cool